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Visualise all network performance now and in the future

awacs pack 

Tulinx solutions are modular, open and customisable which will ensure that you can use the same investment for different technologies or vendors and visualisations of data you even did not think of today.

AWACS is our visualisation solution which is able to present available network data (KPI's, site info) in a web-based GUI with different widgets or modules such as Charts, Tables, Maps. These widgets are linked and combined into one solution which ensures that there is no time lost by switching between different software interfaces increasing the engineers efficiency. Customised or tailored made widgets are possible to ensure they fit your local needs. AWACS is developed to be used intuitively without intensive training. We believe that user applications should work for themselves, be predictable and fast to approach.


Key features of AWACS are:

  • Vendor-independent
  • All technologies (2G, 3G, 4G, etc...)
  • KPI creation for any network element
  • Other data sources are possible
  • User friendly web-interface
  • Customisable
  • Modular




Typical use cases where AWACS is used are:

  • Real-Time Performance Monitoring
  • Troubleshooting
  • Performance or Quality Reporting
  • Site Integration
  • Before/After analysis e.g. RAN swaps
  • Pilots and special projects


New KPIs' can be calculated on the fly with a basic formula editor and/or can be implemented by your own staff permanently. Tulinx has a long experience with calculating KPI's and aggregation scripts so we can help if required. We also use a unique filter mechanism which allows the end-user to easily select the view and the network element(s) he wants. As an example selecting all 3G cells which have a third carrier active just takes a few seconds. Typical grouping of sites in cities, clusters or regions can be easily implemented. On the map view we show element information and cell handovers in combination with any trend or view selected.